Executive Head Teacher - Ruth Campbell
Head of School - Vicky Cripps
Telephone: 01903 276 860
e-mail: office@boundstonenursery.co.uk
Upper Boundstone Lane, Lancing, BN15 9QX
Our Core Values and ethos
Everyone who works here is passionate about ensuring the best outcomes for children and their families. The staff and governors of the School share these four core values which underpin our philosophy and practice when working with children and their families. They guide our decision making processes and represent our shared belief and commitment to ensuring the best for every child.
Valuing Individuals
The needs and well-being of each child and family are at the heart of everything we do and every decision we make
Working with Families
Families know their child best, we listen to them and work together to support their child's learning and development
Part of a Community
Every child and family is unique and valued for what they bring to our community
Learning through Play
Our work with children is based within play because evidence shows that this is the most meaningful way for them to make connections and understand the world around them